Publications related to "ICPB 6 Special Issue"
(eds. M. Zehetbauer & F. Spieckermann)
Submission of regular papers are highly encouraged. Conference papers will be published by WILEY in the Journal "Polymer International" which is a high ranking journal (impact factor 2013 2,247) with full peer review system. The papers will be published either in a special issue or in a special section (In Focus) within a normal issue.
The special instructions are as follows:
1. Authors should consult the author guidelines for details relating to format and article types. These can be found at:
2. The autors should submit their papers using the manuscript submission system only at and authors should mention the Special Issue in the covering letter for their paper and in the section marked special issue in ScholarOne. Authors should nominate two potential referees.
3. All papers will be subjected to a rigorous peer review process and papers will be handled by an editor from the journal. Up to 20 accepted papers will be part of the special issue/special section.
4. Manuscripts are to be submitted until the EXTENDED SUBMISSION DEADLINE 15 JANUARY 2015 (30 November 2014). Scheduled publication date is midth of 2015.